Eat This Podcast
Talking about anything around food

Thank you

Getting into someone’s inbox is like getting into their bed: it requires an invite.

The writer of a newsletter I really like put that quote in one of his annual round-ups, and it really resonates for me. You signed up for the newsletter; thank you for giving me permission to share news of each episode as it is published and, in the weeks between episodes, a selection of choice stuff I have come across.

If you’re new here, you might be interested in past newsletters. You can always explore all previous podcast episodes from the link in the top menu. There’s also a link there to Donate, should you be so inclined.

Help Keep the Lights On

Ratings and reviews are great. So is an actual donation.


There are other places I write and respond.

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread was a series of micro-episodes on the history of wheat and bread, with an episode every day through the month of August 2018.

Posts are in correct chronological order, so you need to scroll to the bottom to find the latest.