Eat This Newsletter 074 The robots are coming
What does country music tell us about agriculture in America today? Not much. Plus some nutritional goodness, and follow-ups to previous podcasts.
What does country music tell us about agriculture in America today? Not much. Plus some nutritional goodness, and follow-ups to previous podcasts.
The death of artisan, the trendiness of quinoa, the difficulties of disability and the future of food systems. This is the slightly shorter version of the email newsletter. If you want all the links and all the snark, sign up for email delivery.
Here and now: prized tea, coffee’s number and a book review to chew on. Plus the hummus crisis that isn’t and the beef-buying public.
Popcorn — how dangerous is it it, really? Not very, unless you work with it. Eggs — what are they? Sorry Dave, I can’t tell you that. Caramelised onions — how long do they take? Longer than you’ve got, and they never really caramelise.