- Extraordinary Fungal Masks used by the Indigenous People of North America and Asia
- The Italian Farmer Returning Chickens to the Wild. I don’t envy him collecting about 1000 eggs a day from the woods.
- How herring in the North Sea could sour the Brexit trade negotiations.
- If you don’t know it, and even if you do, listen to Singing the Fishing, in my opinion the best of the marvellous BBC Radio Ballads.
- Covid–19 and the future of food from Chris Smaje of Small Farm Future. Long-term hopeful.
- “The Gastronomica Editorial Collective is seeking dispatches about food in the time of COVID–19.”
- Here’s mine … Life here in lockdown land honestly hasn’t been that bad. I’ve written a bit about it here and here.
Insects will not make pet food more sustainable either
Somewhat sad to see Marion Nestle, with whom I almost... Read more →
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