Eat This Podcast
Talking about anything around food
24 February 2020

How does your garden grow?

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2 thoughts on Eat This Newsletter 118

  • Aaron Davis 🏘️ mentioned this post 5 years ago.

    @EatPodcast, I enjoyed the piece on no-garden gardening in the latest newsletter…

    This year I have stepped back in my garden. Although I bought some chilis and a zucchini, in the end I just let it go. I have subsequently had tomatoes pop-up everywhere

  • Aaron Davis commented 5 years ago.

    Jeremy, I really enjoyed the piece on no-garden gardening:

    In January, with faith in Mother Nature (and confident the earth under the hemp layer was alive with worms), I literally walked away from playing gardener. I threw away the two full packets of lettuce and radish seeds I’d intended to plant. I tossed a bit of cover dirt and replaced the mulch. After which I put the garden out of my mind.

    This year I have stepped back. I bought a chilli plant in hope, as well as a zucchini, but in the end I just let it go. I have subsequently had tomatoes pop-up all through the garden, as well as various herbs, without the usual stress and rigour.

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