Eat This Podcast
Talking about anything around food
  1. Coffee, culture and class
  2. A new analysis of seven decades worth of tomato varieties shows that genetic diversity is increasing, at least since the 1950s
  3. Modern wheat is not a cause of gluten sensitivity say researchers funded by the Oklahoma Wheat Commission. Oh, and in mice
  4. Marion Nestle rounds up information about the state of the United Kingdom’s food system after Brexit. She “had to dig to find anyone hopeful of a silver lining”.
  5. Everyone Loves Crispy and Crunchy, But What About Chewy?. What about it, indeed.
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One thought on “Eat This Newsletter 115 Some things to chew on

  • AgroBioDiverse commented 5 years ago.

    Latest newsletter, with stuff from @lottelydia @marionnestle @elyseinamine and a couple of academic papers.…

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