- Have you ever wondered how all those different specialty sauces get to supermarket shelves? Wonder no more.
- By now we all know that chocolate is a fermented food, right? But there’s still so much we don’t know about The Microbial Ecology of Chocolate.
- You know what else is fermented? Coffee. Take a deep draught from the annals of coffee vessels.
- Date of Italy’s earliest olive oil pushed back a few hundred years. Probably a bit fermented by now.
- The author of Big Chicken scratches in the dirt to locate figures on the use of antibiotics in American agriculture.
- Which is a perfect opportunity to plug my podcast on antibiotics and agriculture, in case you haven’t heard it.
Insects will not make pet food more sustainable either
Somewhat sad to see Marion Nestle, with whom I almost... Read more →
Conserving heirloom rice in the Philippines.
A seed production company run by farmers.
Tapping toddy. With audio goodness.
Lots of goodness in Jeremy’s latest newsletter.
Australia gets serious about coconut conservation in the Pacific and beyond.
Australia’s own genebanks are very serious.
Will sweet potatoes get young people into farming in Kenya? If my nephews are anything to go by, the answer, alas, is no.
Maybe they should try mungbeans.
The Bing cherry didn’t help Ah Bing much though.
Whatever the crop, it’s total factor productivity that you have to watch for.
The podcast is on break, but Eat This Newsletter continues Latest issue.
Eat This Newsletter: coffee, chocolate, sauces, olive oil, and more. eatthispodcast.com/eat-this-newsl…