Eat This Podcast
Talking about anything around food

15 May 2017

  1. You’ve seen the photographs of “Eating Spaghetti by the Fistful” now learn how they came about.
  2. Sharanya Deepak takes us Inside the Birthplace of Indian-Chinese Cuisine.
  3. If you eat cheap chicken, you do not want to read Exploitation and Abuse at the Chicken Plant in The New Yorker.
  4. The Rituals of Dinner by Margaret Visser was one of the first books to really open my eyes to the meanings of food and eating. Now it has been reissued.
  5. Civil Eats writes about Seed Rebels. In the past, I’ve interviewed many of the principles: Carol Deppe, Jack Kloppenburg of the Open Source Seeds Initiative and Lane Selman of the Culinary Breeding Network.
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