Eat This Podcast
Talking about anything around food

24 August 2015

A drop more

  1. Steal from one writer and you’re a plagiarist, steal from two or three and you’re doing original research, as Tom Lehrer, hymning the great Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky, said. Something new(ish) and something a little older on recipe theft.
  2. Organic food in the US is having to recall more food than ever. Maybe because more of it is being sold?
  3. Speaking of industrialisation in the food system, “[E]ven though the total number of cows in the UK has halved since the 1970s, production has remained steady thanks to the fact average yields have doubled. Farmers are literally squeezing more out of each cow.” Not sure about that “literally,” but the fact is the supermarkets are not entirely to blame for a global glut of milk.
  4. The people of Russia are no strangers to famine. So why are they allowing the government to destroy so much food? The Economist takes a longer view.
  5. Shameless self-promotion: first, read about how the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers tries to strangle individualism. Then go listen to Amy Trubek talking to me about terroir and maple syrup.
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