Eat This Podcast
Talking about anything around food

Citrus breeding is bananas

11 May 2017

My compadre Luigi I have been going back and forth on a recent research paper that delved deep into the breeding history of lemons and limes. It is utterly mind-boggling stuff, which neither of us feels able to understand, let alone summarise in any meaningful way. Luigi shared this picture from the paper:

I’ll just fondly remember my conversation with Helena Attlee, who explained that citrus are just really promiscuous.

Filed under: Extra Matter

8 thoughts on Citrus breeding is bananas

  • The Gannet commented 8 years ago.…

  • Bee Wilson mentioned this post 8 years ago.

    The mind-boggling breeding of citrus fruit. Nice infographic.

  • Rhizowen commented 8 years ago.…

  • AgroBioDiverse commented 8 years ago.…

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