The quest for Big Mike. No, not Stormy Daniels’ latest. It’s a banana.
Ok, I’m going to resist the temptation of making the obvious follow-up joke in connection with this gallery of beautiful chickens.
Who needs chickens when you have pigeons. Ah, no, these are pigeonpeas.

Australia’s answer to the potato. Unclear what the question was.
Australia’s answer to frost-sensitive wheat: look in genebanks for resistant stuff.
The mother of all avocados. Kind of a Hass-been, though.
Avocado shmavocado, says India.
Are you not entertained? Have some popcorn!
And mustard for that hotdog. You know, like Mesolithic people did.
History of plant collecting double feature: Bradby Blake & Frank N. Meyer.
Listen to Jeremy on how grain made its way up the Thames.
A lot of grain also makes its way to Ft Collins. See what I did there?

Taro whiskey: I’ll drink to that.
Kenyan coffee to finish things off? Maybe not for long.