Eat This Podcast
Talking about anything around food


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Have you ever stopped to wonder what drives the incessant innovation in processed food? Who thought that an energy bar would be a good thing to exist? What was the logic that drove the development of the cheese-flavoured powder that coats so many snacks? Even instant coffee; why was that needed? The answer to all […]

Recipe plagiarism, organic recalls, too much milk and more. Some things I’ve found interesting over the past couple of weeks.

A lot of people have been talking about the gender divide in restaurant kitchens; I had no idea sushi was a bastion of male privilege. Great story from AP about women challenging sushi norms in Tokyo. Via Lauren Bohn.

The O-Pipin-Na-Piwin Cree Nation have suffered generations of maltreatment at the hands of various official entities. Moved from their homelands further south, they now occupy small scattered settlements in northern Manitoba, where summers are short and the land infertile. Having adapted to some extent to their new circumstances, large dams, built to supply energy to […]

Still no closer to understanding the nature of zero-fat half and half, but I should have an actual audio episode next week. Meanwhile …

Actual podcasts are on hold for at least two, possibly three, weeks as I attempt to process the idea of zero-fat half and half. Enlighten me, please.

An old friend sent me a cutting of a column in The (London) Times magazine, exploring the contents of Food Editor Tony Turnbull’s larder. I’d like to take credit for inspiring this, the very week of my podcast on the same topic, but I know how magazine journalism works and the piece was probably rustled […]

Books, bread and breeding in my latest selection of things to savour.

The heat here in Rome has been something the past couple of weeks. Not up to 2003 of blessed memory, but hot nevertheless. The last thing I needed was for the fridge to start playing up, but it did, making horrible noises. Ignoring the disaster foretold, I defrosted the darn thing, which not only solved […]

The regular round-up of delicacies to keep you fed, or at least informed, between podcast episodes.

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There are other places I write and respond.

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread was a series of micro-episodes on the history of wheat and bread, with an episode every day through the month of August 2018.

Posts are in correct chronological order, so you need to scroll to the bottom to find the latest.