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Insects will not make pet food more sustainable either
Somewhat sad to see Marion Nestle, with whom I almost... Read more →
All past episodes. Enjoy browsing, and if you are looking for something in particular, try Search on the right.
Pizza Hut says it invented the stuffed crust pizza. A judge agreed. But Anthony Mongiello has US patent 4,661,361, no matter what the law says.
Yesterday’s graph from USDA is really interesting. It shows that the February 2022 recall of formula milk in the US, which compounded the supply chain difficulties of Covid, was associated with a striking increase in the number of infants fully and partially breastfed (and a drop in the number fully formula fed). The survey covers […]
In many respects the diets of farmers and hunter-gatherers were more alike than different
Commercial baby food was perhaps the original industrial food product, with all that that entails
Perhaps this will help while away a few minutes as you wait for a new episode to drop. One question for each of this year’s 18 episodes. There will be prizes, but I want to try and ensure that they are things you actually want, so probably tokens or gift cards of some sort. You […]
A lichen, which has no taste of its own, contributes hugely to the flavour of many Indian dishes
A close look at more than 1000 varieties of maize solves a mystery about how the crop evolved from its wild relatives.
The available figures on honey adulteration are pretty alarming: 46% of samples in the EU, 100% of honey exported from the UK, more than a quarter of Australian samples “of questionable authenticity”. However, as Matt Phillpott pointed out in a recent episode of Eat This Podcast, one of the great difficulties honey poses is that […]
Why is honey the world’s third most-adulterated food? Because adulteration delivers profits.
Before he uncovered “Nutrition Science’s Most Preposterous Result,” David Johns had already dug into reports on salt and sugar.