Eat This Podcast
Talking about anything around food


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30 September 2019

There is no escape from agricultural policy, not even in the history of rice in Spain

23 September 2019

“All the intrigue of a murder mystery and all the painstaking, arduous pursuit of an archeological dig.” For a radish.

Only one thing makes it worth routinely feeding antibiotics to livestock; profit at any cost.

16 September 2019

I have no idea what Brexit will mean for food in the UK in the short-term. I do know what it could mean in the long term.

9 September 2019

Alfredo sauce, made famous in the 1920s, dates back to at least 1390. That, and other surprises of food in the Eternal City.

2 September 2019

Microbe friends and microbe enemies — with a side of sloppy joes

26 August 2019

A downturn in the house-building business set Maurice Gilbert at Ballyhoura Artisan Food Park on the road to award-winning apple juices.

Restaurants, nutrition, sustainability and China

Xylella is fastidious — in the laboratory

Ignorance, paranoia and greed have damaged the olives of the Salento almost beyond recognition.

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There are other places I write and respond.

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread was a series of micro-episodes on the history of wheat and bread, with an episode every day through the month of August 2018.

Posts are in correct chronological order, so you need to scroll to the bottom to find the latest.